Nuclear Waste Storage – Nuclear waste is just like another industrial and medical waste, which will go through certain phase, carefully to avoid any leakage to the environment. For sure nuclear waste is not like any other normal waste. Take a look at this simple explanations of waste management in info graphic .
The underground facility storage is not anywhere near the residential area. It is somewhere far away from public present. People need to thrust this waste management to accept nuclear energy.
just read news regarding nuclear waste leakage in Japan recently...
Thank you so much for the information. Reading your blog really change my perception about nuclear.c
@Anon - Its devastating isnt it? well the plant itself is from 1967. the old reactor doesnt have much safety feature. not like the latest 4th generation
@Arra N ,Thankyou for dropping by. Our nation need to know good thing about nuclear, not just the nuclear weapon only.
Thanks again peeps.
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