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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Iran taking step to Nuclear Weapons


figure 1: typical implosion nuclear bom by www.nytimes.co

Iran post threat with it secret facility of producing nuclear bomb. Currently Iran is on the way to build enrichment facilities. From the facilities, their secretly build nuclear weapons. American and European officials believe Tehran is planning to build nuclear weapons. Iran's leadership says that its goal in developing a nuclear program is to generate electricity without dipping into the oil supply it prefers to sell abroad and provide fuel for medical reactors. The actual reason behind this nuclear bomb is:
  • Iran scared of the fact that 5 out of 9 world's nuclear power are nearby or on its border
  • Iran adopt nuclear hedging (protection security) by maintaining nuclear weapon as option to remain with nuclear treaty or agreement.
  • attempt to become more self-reliant in arms and technology facing Iraq which has chemical weapon and nuclear weapon program.

picture of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by www.theglobeandmail.com

Myself believe that Iran just trying to survive from nuclear threat from the border countries such as Iraq. The middle east country continuously post nation threat and create most of political issued by launching missile against them self. In order to survive, Iran choose by developing nuclear weapon. It is understanding if Iran just want to protect itself from being nuclear victims. However, their act toward nuclear weapons is not a correct ways in gained a solutions. This can lead more disasters than the solutions. Hence, nuclear bomb should NOT be a SOLUTION! Even Washington against Iran for developing secret facilities for preparing nuclear bomb. It is a fear to world security. Therefore, I against the Iran for nuclear weapons! Nuclear weapon does not solve anything but it can create WAR.. WAR..WAR people. Who knows maybe it can lead to WORLD WAR III..


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